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About Us

We use a cloud-based software with mobile device technologies that offers the following

  • Optimized scheduling – Taking into account the patient requirements (ambulatory, wheel chair, or stretcher needs) and appointment time, the transport vehicle’s capacity, the drive time, and funding source requirements or limitations.
  • Provides real time updates – Allows dispatch to see where drivers are located on the road to ensure we're meeting pull-out times and arriving on time for scheduled appointments.
  • Time stamps of each pick up and drop off – Each passenger’s signature is captured at the time of service which is great for billing purposes and proof of transport.

Trustworthy and Qualified Drivers

  • Each driver must pass an extensive background and FBI check.
  • Have a Valid Driver's License.
  • Pass Safety Driving Course.
  • Pass Physical Exam.
  • Pass Drug Test.

Extensive Training

  • HIPPA Training
  • Vehicle Inspection Training
  • First Aid
  • CPR
  • Passenger Loading and Unloading
  • Wheelchair Handling and Securement
  • Assisting Passengers with Disabilities

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